Thursday, February 12, 2009

Intentions for 2009

But where do our intentions come from and what do they mean? I know when I am not clear about something, personally or professionally, the way I get clarity is to ask myself, "What are my intentions here"? "What do I want to produce"? and "What do I need to be mindful of"? Try it yourself!

When we are intentional and mindful (conscious and aware) of our thoughts we gain focus which gives us the necessary clarity to make decisions and to take action. By being intentional, people aren't allowing life to just happen and reacting. They are purposeful and clear on what they want and take action steps that align with what they want. So when someone tells you what you did was "lucky" or it happened "by accident" such thing exists! Intention is about who you are "being". Be aware and mindful of your thoughts and who you are spending your time with. Do work and activities that make you happy. When we say "yes" to life by doing what we love, we are saying "no" to stress. It's quite empowering!

Our intentions, what we intend to do, how mindful and purposeful we're being, helps give us the tools we need to navigate through life. But before we even set our intentions, we must first look at our self talk, our inner dialogue, to make sure we're coming from a positive mindset. Otherwise the outcome we desire won't manifest.

Here are two of the eight Strategies for Positive Self Talk that have proven successful with helping people shift from negative to positive:

1) Set aside a Quiet Time - during this time, even if it's for just ten minutes, think of what your intentions are for the day, the week. What do you want to accomplish? How do you want your day to look? It helps you focus and gain clarity.

2) Be Present and In the Moment - people tend to think in the past and get stuck there, or in the future and anticipate the "what if's" which create anxiety. It's okay to look to the past or future...just don't stay there...stay present and in the moment...that's all we really have.

Once you transition to a positive mindset, and practice this daily, shift happens! Intentions are clear and life feels more purposeful. It's a great time to set short and long term goals and create a plan for 2009.

If you'd like an "Intentions Goal Setting" worksheet or if you want to learn more about Susan's 8 Strategies to help people shift from negative to positive Self Talk email Susan Samakow or call her at 301-706-7226

Make it a mindful year- It's your Choice!

How are you using intention for 2009?
Please leave a comment and let me know!