Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Balancing work and play!

It's hard to believe summer is almost over. I don't even feel like it started! I've been hearing that from so many people. This was going to be the summer to catch up on things, begin new things, and plan for the fall and winter.

Well, some of those things were accomplished. It seemed the summer was a lot busier than anyone expected. Alot of that had to do with the spring and the economic conditions around us...the expectations were that things would be quiet and slow.
Here's the good news...You're not behind. It is never to late to set some goals.

Most of us will soon be entering the fourth quarter of the year. I am continuing the set up goals and plans for business and socially. We all have such busy lives that you really want to pick and choose where you'll spend your time.

One thing I did this summer was to start playing golf. For me, it balances out the work/life balance. And I've got to tell you, I'm hooked! It has been wonderful for me to know that on Thursday I'm going to take another lesson and then play nine holes. This is one way that I "walk my talk". I can't work with clients and talk about how to balance their lives if I'm not doing that myself. Although I feel very blessed that my work is my passion and life purpose, balancing it with 'play and fun' is just perfect for me.

So when you're setting your goals, mix work with pleasure. Most people forget to schedule 'fun'. You'll have more energy, feel better, and get more satisfaction from everything you do!

Positively Your, Susan