Thursday, October 8, 2009

Career Transition

As you know the economy has affected almost everyone and every type of business. It doesn’t matter what your age is. It doesn’t matter what type of business you are in or were in. There is a ripple effect from this economic crisis that has resulted in many people losing their jobs, their homes, and switching careers.

When we’re in these situations - loss of income, loss of title, loss of career/job - it is not uncommon to feel discouraged and frustrated. With the loss sometimes bring feelings of loss of identity and how you feel about yourself. So what’s important here is to deal with the loss and what it means. AND for you to distinguish YOU (your identity) from what you do (your work).

And yet with all this going on, I feel positive about the future. Try this:
1) Different View - see the opportunity we’re being presented with.
2) Shift - to something you may have always wished for and may have found it hard to do for many reasons. For example, when you’re making a high salary, it’s hard to sacrifice the perks that come along with it. You get used to a certain lifestyle and material things that you don’t want to give up. So for some it’s money, for others it’s prestige or status. Whatever it is for you, this is your Opportunity to go after what you desire.
3) Explore - If you’re not sure what the next step is! This is an Opportunity to Dream and to see where that might take you. I know in my coaching practice, I am seeing many clients become more entrepreneurial.