Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Learning How to Balance Our Energy Houses – The “Being” House

In my last entry I talked about the energy houses. Today I want to focus on the “Being” House. Anyone who wants to deepen their learning about “Being” read Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now” and The New Earth…Tolle masters being present. You can find them on my book suggestion list on my website. (link to your site)

“Being” is our heart space. It is all about relationship, connection, and being engaged…with ourselves and with others. “Being” teaches you to engage from the heart and leaning into whatever you are doing. For example, when you come home after working all day you have a choice about what to do. You can go into the “doing” house and clean out a closet. You can work on a hobby or do a chore...or you can engage in conversation with your spouse, play and connect with your kids, take some quiet time and read a book or take a bubble bath. If you choose to do an activity, make it a holistic experience…enjoy and be present...experience the being.

What’s important is to balance your energy houses…don’t hang out in one place too long…shift from one energy house to another and experience the calming feeling of balance.

For more info contact:
Susan Samakow, PCC, CPCC
Certified Business and Life Coach & Speaker
Susan Samakow Coaching, LLC

Monday, March 1, 2010

All excuses are misalignments

Check out Dr. Wayne Dyer on his most recent PBS special for insights into...what would it be like if you were free from the excuses that are holding you back from the life you want to live? Or, as Dr. Dyer will tell you, "all excuses are misalignments." For more video and additional information, visit Wayne at his web site.

The Shift

We all come to places in our lives when we want to make a change...a Shift. In the movie trailer Wayne Dyer introduces us to an awesome expression of his life's work only this time he offers us a movie instead of a book or one of his many PBS specials. Now you can see Wayne's work illustrated on the big screen with a moving account of his, always passionate and practical, advice.