Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Positive Self Talk

“Be yourself, everybody else is taken.”

Researchers show that there is very little difference in your brain activity between doing something and imagining that you’ve done it. So whether you make a lot of mistakes or just one mistake and reproach yourself over and over, to your mind it’s all the same. If you repeatedly tell yourself you’re stupid, your mind believes it is just as if you did something stupid over and over.

Your mind does not distinguish between “believing” and “doing” so talk yourself into the person you want to become.

This is further supported by scientific research. In Sonya Lyubomirsky’s book, “The How of Happiness”, she describes the Happiness set point: 50% is our genes; 10% can be attributed to life circumstances or situations; and 40% is our intentions…meaning much of our happiness is within our control; we have the power to change.

Happiness is from within us, not from outside of us. We can choose the activities we engage in intentionally – therefore, the things we think and do every day in our lives can increase or decrease our happiness. So whatever you enjoy in life, add more of it!

Think consistent habitual positive thoughts and begin to shift the brain’s mindset to a new pattern of positive self talk.
Dr. Bruce Lipton’s research in “Biology of Belief” has made an incredible impact in the scientific world on how our beliefs influence our cells and therefore shape our lives. What a breakthrough for all of mankind!

“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”

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