Monday, February 15, 2010

"The David" WIthin Us

Finding “The David” Within Us

How we view life is all about the perspective we have. Since being snowed in for days with no electricity, I started to look through books I hadn’t looked at in a while. I came across the photo of Michelangelo’s statue “The David”.

As the story goes, Michelangelo was given a huge slab of granite and asked to create something from it. After working on it hour after hour he created this magnificent sculpture that he named “The David”.

Now there’s two perspectives here…One way is that Michelangelo chipped away at the stone and created David. And the way I view it is that David was always in their and he had to chip away at the excess stone to get to him.

I believe “The David” is within all of us. We are all Magnificent ! We just sometimes have to chip away at the layers, the outside sources and influences that have us looking at ourselves with limited thoughts as opposed to unlimited, unused potential that we all have.

Unleash your Magnificence….See “The David” within you and the people you’re in relationship with.

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