Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Set Those Goals!

In the past several weeks clients have wanted to focus on goal setting. So whether I am brainstorming with them to come up with the goals or they come to me with goals already set and need a partner to hold them accountable to endure successfully reaching them, this is perfect time to get going and pursue them.

Setting goals will make you feel more focused, give you more clarity and can get you the results you desire. Make sure your actions are aligned with the goals you’re setting and take action steps to reach them. Take the time to internalize your achievement so that the goals set are not just about chase and conquer.

Here’s a few tips when goal setting. Make sure they’re:
Intrinsic - meaning to YOU and not somebody else
Detailed and Specific - gives you more clarity, makes it more real and attainable
Realistic - set yourself up with realistic goals or else you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. Aim for goals you can reach and will have to stretch out of your comfort zone a bit;
Stretch - out of your comfort zone…realizing goals that are too easy to reach won’t feel as meaningful and satisfying as something that you had to step out of your comfort zone to reach
Accountability - to jump start your success, be accountable to another person.

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