Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Out There has Clutter?


Anybody got clutter? So what do you see when you open the door to your house or office? Boy does clutter give you a bogged down feeling. And it’s such a common issue amongst people. I’ll tell you what I tell my clients…start with a small project like de-cluttering the medicine cabinet in your house or your night table. Then move on to bigger projects and schedule some time on the calendar so you get it done. Put on some music or the tv and make it more fun! After all, what are you holding on to? Memories? Waiting for something to come back into style?

Clutter can be in the form of piles of paper, old clothes, or negative thoughts/negative self talk, and more. When you look at the clutter, rather than sticking it in a drawer or closet so you can’t see it, you may have a feeling of heaviness. Clutter can make you feel like your head is swirling with a lack of clarity. And negative thoughts keep you stuck. By de-cluttering you are freeing up your physical and mental space. Those negative feelings will begin to diminish and you’ll begin to gain some clarity. By shifting to positive thoughts, cleaning up the area you live or work in, you’re taking a positive step forward by getting into action.

For more on clutter and positive self talk, visit my website or feel free to contact me.
For more information:
Susan Samakow, PCC, CPCC

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Doesn’t it feel like you’re constantly asked to make decisions? Whether it’s at work or home or even at the grocery…was that a turkey or tuna sandwich? Potato salad or cole slaw? Rye bread or wheat bread?

To better focus in this world of decisions, I tell my clients to ask themselves these questions:
1) Do I want this for the right reasons?
2) Do I realistic expectations?
3) Do I have a plan to succeed?
4) Do I have a plan for failure?
5) Have I considered the impact on others?
6) Did I weigh my regrets?

Monday, January 18, 2010

"Thoughts Point The Way"

I want to share this poem by Ralph Marston with you because it shows how important our self talk is for how we live our lives. Enjoy and please share your thoughts with me.

“Thoughts Point Our Way”

What you think influences what you see.
What you think influences what you do.
What you think influences what you learn.
What you think influences how you feel.
What you think has an enormous impact on the way
you experience life.
What you think determines the very nature of the world you
you create for yourself.
Thoughts have no physical mass, yet they do indeed have power,
and there are no restraints or limitations upon what you
can think.
Consider all the main places to wish your thought have carried you.
Imagine the limitless possibilities of where your thoughts can now enable you where to go.
Choose positive, creative, loving life affirming thoughts, and where those thoughts point the way, you can fill your world with value.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


This is the perfect time of the year to set out what your intentions are...what you want to accomplish this year. I usually start my days by thinking what are my intentions for the day or week and at the beginning of the year, I take extra time to look at the year...the big picture.

When we are intentional and mindful (conscious and aware) of our thoughts, we get the focus and clarity we need to make decisions, set goals, and to take action. I know how important that is in helping us navigate through life. In fact, I have taking a quiet time, which is when I set my intentions each morning, as my first strategy for Positive Self Talk. That's how important I believe this sets the tone for the day. I am not allowing life to just happen and then reacting to it. I am being purposeful and clear on what I want, personally and professionally, and then taking the action steps that align with that.

Before you set your intentions, notice your self talk (our thoughts, inner dialogue)
and make sure you're coming from a positive mindset so you get the results you desire.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Reflecting on 2009

Greetings and wishing you all a Happy, Healthy 2010 and Always!!

We live in a society based on accomplishments, let’s get things done, and chase and conquer. And yet when we do reach a goal, how many of us take the time to reflect and internalize our accomplishments.

Yes, it’s great to achieve our goals and get the results we want AND it’s equally important to take the time to “fill ourselves” with each success that we’ve worked so hard to achieve. I find that the more I fill myself with the positive, the more my life is positively affected…it influences my self esteem, self image and self confidence. You can feel the same way!

So before you set out to accomplish your 2010 goals, take the time to reflect on 2009 – breathe it in!