Thursday, January 7, 2010


This is the perfect time of the year to set out what your intentions are...what you want to accomplish this year. I usually start my days by thinking what are my intentions for the day or week and at the beginning of the year, I take extra time to look at the year...the big picture.

When we are intentional and mindful (conscious and aware) of our thoughts, we get the focus and clarity we need to make decisions, set goals, and to take action. I know how important that is in helping us navigate through life. In fact, I have taking a quiet time, which is when I set my intentions each morning, as my first strategy for Positive Self Talk. That's how important I believe this sets the tone for the day. I am not allowing life to just happen and then reacting to it. I am being purposeful and clear on what I want, personally and professionally, and then taking the action steps that align with that.

Before you set your intentions, notice your self talk (our thoughts, inner dialogue)
and make sure you're coming from a positive mindset so you get the results you desire.

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