Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Out There has Clutter?


Anybody got clutter? So what do you see when you open the door to your house or office? Boy does clutter give you a bogged down feeling. And it’s such a common issue amongst people. I’ll tell you what I tell my clients…start with a small project like de-cluttering the medicine cabinet in your house or your night table. Then move on to bigger projects and schedule some time on the calendar so you get it done. Put on some music or the tv and make it more fun! After all, what are you holding on to? Memories? Waiting for something to come back into style?

Clutter can be in the form of piles of paper, old clothes, or negative thoughts/negative self talk, and more. When you look at the clutter, rather than sticking it in a drawer or closet so you can’t see it, you may have a feeling of heaviness. Clutter can make you feel like your head is swirling with a lack of clarity. And negative thoughts keep you stuck. By de-cluttering you are freeing up your physical and mental space. Those negative feelings will begin to diminish and you’ll begin to gain some clarity. By shifting to positive thoughts, cleaning up the area you live or work in, you’re taking a positive step forward by getting into action.

For more on clutter and positive self talk, visit my website or feel free to contact me.
For more information:
Susan Samakow, PCC, CPCC

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